The Adolphs family is dusting off this ol' blog to share some exciting news. We will be adding another member to our family! We submitted our application and Letter of Intent (LOI) over the past few weeks, and just today we received our Pre-Approval (PA) from China! This means we can make this information public, and we have a green light to continue with our homestudy and paperwork trail.
The five thumbs up picture represents our completion of the first document in the whole process on August 22, 2015. Our stack of papers has already become quite big and there's a long ways to go.
We appreciate your prayers not only for quick completion of the homestudy and dossier prep, but also that God will be preparing each our hearts for this change (especially little sister's). Our hope is that we'll be traveling early summer 2016 to bring this beautiful little one home! Oh, and we suppose you'd all like to see some pictures... :-)
God is good!