It's official! After our one-day "harmonious period" with Lucille as the Chinese government calls it, we had our appointments back at the Civil Affairs office this morning to finalize the adoption. Two interviews and several signatures later, Lucille is now officially an Adolphs kiddo! The day was pretty low key after that. We had a light lunch at our hotel room, did some minor grocery shopping, and Lucille took a nice nap. She also had her first bath and her first taste of an ice cream bar (we'll let you guess which one she loved and which one was not appreciated).
One thing that's different from this trip from when we got Helen is that we really don't know any other families here. We had several families that hung out and did things together pretty much every day from the start during our 2012 trip, and this time we've been feeling pretty alone. And then, God met our desire for community today. Heather posted on an adoption Facebook group to look for someone here with something specific we needed. One mom happened to respond that is staying in our hotel! Off we went to the 12th floor and we came across a family that was equally thirsty for a conversation with some westerners. They invited us in and we spent about an hour just talking together as if we had known each other for a long time (Ella even ended up playing Legos and taking selfies with one of their daughters). That's a big praise for today.
May 31 is a special day for another reason -- it's also our anniversary! Today marks 13 years since our wedding day. We went out to eat at Cow and Bridge, a favorite Thai/Chinese restaurant from our last visit here. They completely changed the menu and fancied up the decor, but the four of still us ate a huge meal for about $15 USD. The past 13 years have been amazing, and we are unbelievably blessed to have welcomed four amazing children into our family.
We're seeing Lucille open up a *little* bit, but no major breakthroughs yet. We got an almost-smile this morning, but it's like she realized what she was doing and immediately thought "not for you!" :-) So while today's photos share a common theme and a common face, and though we've yet to see a big smile or hear her utter a single word, we're letting her warm up in her own time. As we wrap up today's update, Lucille is coloring with mommy. Precious times with a precious little girl.
May 31, 2016
May 30, 2016
China Day 3: Gotcha Day!
But, we know this is not the real Lucille. We've seen the videos and the joy this little girl has inside of her. We've heard the stories from her caregivers about what she's really like. We know she must grieve at this time, and it's a very good thing. The fact that she is grieving so hard means she was cared for deeply and that she was loved. It means she has the ability to be attached to her caregivers, and that she will learn to trust us.
Let's back up to the actual meeting: We had a really hard time wasting time today! We ate breakfast, had a paperwork meeting, went out to lunch, and just sat around the hotel room trying to waste time until 2:00pm. That's when we met in the hotel lobby and took the van to the China Civil Affairs office. People shoved on the elevator for the 8th floor, so much so that Steve & Ella had to wait behind for the next one. Heather entered the big room first and there was one lady standing by the infamous curtain that leads to the kids room. Heather could tell by her face that her child was in there. So, Heather walked over to peek and immediately saw Lucille sitting next to her nanny. The nanny saw Heather, and Heather waved and pointed to communicate that she was Songrui's mama! They smiled back and leaned over to tell Lucille that mama was there. Steve and Ella arrived a few minutes later, and before we knew it this precious little one was being brought out to meet us. She had a stone-serious look on her face and wouldn't come to Heather until the Dum-Dum suckers came out. :-) She accepted nothing from Heather except a Dum-Dum, which she promptly tried to put in her mouth with the wrapper on. We stayed in this room for another 15 minutes before the nannies left, and that's when the extreme expressions of sadness came out of this tiny body. We can only describe it as a loud, mournful sob.
God knew what He was doing by having us bring Ella along. We're so proud of her and how gentle she has been with her little sister. Ella's being so helpful and really helping Lucille adjust. Lucille constantly looks over to Ella in our room, seemingly to make sure she's still around and to see what she's doing. She's been copying Ella playing with various toys this evening. Just within the past hour (~6:30pm local time) Heather loaded up some Chinese kids tunes on her smartphone, and Lucille proceeded to move her hands and shake a toy to the beat.
We know you're all waiting for pictures, so without further delay here you go! Presenting for the first time, Lucille Marie Songrui Adolphs!
May 29, 2016
China Days 1-2: Travel
Well, our trip sure has been eventful thus far and we don't even have Lucille yet! We're going to try to recap our days on this blog, probably in more boring detail than you all care about, but we want to have it for our own sake. So, sorry!
We've already mentioned how we noticed our air conditioner not working the evening before we were supposed to leave. There was no way we could wait until we got back to fix it because there are people staying at our house with the kids while we're gone. But as our beautiful friend Meg pointed out we were amazingly fully packed and ready to go much earlier in the day, so Steve actually had a full evening to take apart and diagnose the a/c. He got up at 6am on the day of departure to drive to the opposite side of town to visit five different places, none of which had the part we needed. However, the last place recommended a store that Steve didn't have on his list and they actually had the part! He made it back in plenty of time to install the part and save the day! Our hero!

So we're now settled into our hotel in Guangzhou and in just about 24 hours we will meet our sweet Lucille :)
Quick update after our first night out on the town. Here's how you order at McDonald's here. No, we didn't try the green bun pork sandwich. Pro tip, when customizing the cheeseburger for a happy meal, don't deselect the thing that says "10:1 xxxx". Turns out that line means "beef patty". We almost had a cheese-and-ketchup sandwich for Ella, but one of the workers that spoke a little English came to us very confused and made sure we wanted it that way. The cooks in the back had a nice laugh over that one! Stupid Americans.
May 3, 2016
Our Last Pre-Travel Update from China!
As we write this post, it's only 25 short days until we fly to China! We can't believe that May 2016 is here already or that it's been eight months since we submitted our adoption application.
The big news for today is that we received an update on Lucille from China! At three years old, she's 38" tall and weighs about 30 pounds. We always love getting the English translations:
We can't wait to finally hold our lucky and happy little girl! Enjoy these pics from the day Lucille received our care package.
The big news for today is that we received an update on Lucille from China! At three years old, she's 38" tall and weighs about 30 pounds. We always love getting the English translations:
- "To let her play with her friends is her happiest thing... She is upset when she is refused to get what she wants."
- "She is very smart and adorable. When she was little, she wanted to call everybody's name to show how smart she was. When we answered her calling, she was super happy."
- When asked what her name means: "All our children have the same name of Jiang Song and Rui means lucky and happy. Our director gave that name to her with good wished."
We can't wait to finally hold our lucky and happy little girl! Enjoy these pics from the day Lucille received our care package.
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