Here's a sensitive topic that's difficult to address.
A few months ago, I (Steve) was reading an online forum where a simple question was asked. "A friend of mine is looking to adopt a child from Haiti. Any advice?"
One of the first responses was "Buy low, sell high."
My initial reaction was anger, which then turned to disappointment and sadness. It's sad that there are people out there that are so insensitive and ignorant about adoption.
Another response was, "What's wrong with adopting from the US? Take care of those in need here and let other countries take care of their own problems."
Below is an excerpt of what I posted on the forum.
I'm usually just an occasional lurker around these parts, but I felt compelled to throw in my two cents. My wife and I have recently started the process of adopting from China, and we are often asked this same question (in some instances in an accusatory overtone): "Why don't you take care of the needy kids in your own country first?"
Granted, our scenario is slightly different than the original post as we're hoping to adopt a baby. It's a very different process for adopting babies in the US than from overseas, and my wife and I personally are not interested in the domestic process because of these very differences. A common reaction is that we're being selfish and ignoring the problems in our own back yard. However, a little known fact is that there are actually people waiting in line to adopt babies domestically. The need is simply not as high for babies in the US as it is for other countries.
Regarding older children, people are correct in saying that there are many in need in our own country. According to the latest data I saw, there are more than 115,000 older children in the US that are living in foster care. However, there are 15 Million orphans worldwide, many of whom will never be adopted for various reasons.
I'm curious why the topic of international adoption tends to spur this reaction of national pride. For anyone that makes this argument, I'd ask, "Have you adopted from any country, including from your own?"
On a side note, I have to get this off my chest: On behalf of those with a passion to give hope to a child without a family via adoption, regardless of the country of origin, I find absolutely zero humor in suggesting that orphans are some "thing" to be "bought" and "resold".
James 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
What are your thoughts?
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