March 14, 2016

LOA is Here!

We've officially received our Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from China!  Our Dossier, after being translated, was reviewed and accepted by the CCCWA.  We received a preliminary notification of this on March 7, but just got the official email with the document this afternoon.  This means that China has approved us to adopt our little girl!!!

Oh, on that note, now that the process has progressed this far we can officially share her name.  Let us introduce you to our newest family member:  Lucille Marie Songrui Adolphs!  We've received a few new photos several weeks ago and were saving them for this update.

    The remaining steps are the same as when we went through the process with Helen:
    • Our I-800 is being sent overnight to the USCIS (the LOA was the final document our agency was waiting for)
    • USCIS will forward this approval to the National Visa Center to apply for Lucille's visa
    • The NVC will send the approved visa petition to the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China
    • The Consulate will review the visa application, ensure it meets the qualifications for an immigrant visa, and then sign off that everything is in order to complete the adoption
    • That approval is forwarded to the CCCWA, which issues our Travel Approval (TA)
    • We book our flights & hotel and go get Lucille!

    Thanks for continuing to pray for our family.  We're hoping to meet our little girl face-to-face before the end of May 2016!