June 1, 2016

China Day 5: Breakthrough

Our day started with a stoic little girl in our midst.  After we ate breakfast we took a walk around the hotel's gardens, which are beautiful.  They have a large koi pond and the fish were quite interesting to Lucille.  We then decided to check out the hotel pool and go for a swim.  This turned out to be a point of breaking through to the real Lucille!  While playing a game of catch with a floatie tube, smiles started to break through, followed by huge belly laughs.  We don't know what it was about that pool toy that got to her, but we saw abundant happiness pouring out of her little body.  It was a blessed glimpse into the real personality that's waiting to come out!

After the swim we hung out in our hotel room for several hours.  Heather and Lucille got in some much needed naps.  Our only official appointment today was a late afternoon visit to the local authorities to apply for Lucille's Chinese passport.  Easy peasey, in and out.  This was followed by a visit to "Trust-Mart" (one of Walmart's branded stores here) to stock up on groceries.  Lucille decided to test the limits a little bit by walking away from us and touching stuff on the shelves.  She has a little mischievous look on her face when she knows she's doing something wrong.  It's really cute --- for now.

The evening ended with a huge party thrown by the hotel staff for adopting families that are staying here.  This was quite unexpected and extravagant.  They had all kinds of food and drinks, and we're not talking about simple stuff; they served fish tacos, hamburger sliders, sushi, and a whole lot more. They had a live band playing everything from B-I-N-G-O to Adele covers.  :-)  Ella had a great time dancing with some new friends; Lucille spent most of the time munching on food and bopping to the beat when she thought nobody was looking.

Lucille remained in a silly mood when we returned to our hotel room around 7:30pm.  We got some more great belly laughs and smiles out of her.  Lucille's happiness did turn back to crying as she was put to bed.  She tried telling us something over and over in Chinese.  We feel so bad and helpless that we can't tell what she's asking of us.  Please pray that with God's help we can comfort her and pour love into her that transcends any language barrier. 

Enjoy the photos below; you can see the progression of a little girl coming out of her shell!